Turkey Bowl 2012

Turkey Bowl 2012

This weekend was an excellent return to the infamous Turkey Bowl! This event started when I was in college by Arlington Young Life leaders and went on for maybe 5 years and then took a break. Thankfully Christina brought it back this year and we had a blast! The idea is that it’s a goofy night of 2 rounds of bowling, costumes, judges, sombreros, top hats…and much more – with funds going to buy turkey dinners for the homeless.  Last T-bowl we bought 327 meals for a local homeless shelter’s Thanksgiving celebration! 

The refs or judges give points based on costumes, hats, etc. At the end of the night awards are given for 1st and 2nd best single bowling scores and then the WORST bowler gets a prize. There is also a team prize and your team can win points with the judges every way you can think. You can bribe them by getting them food/drinks, give them gifts like a paper hat or a lei, etc.  Every time a player gets a strike, they have to go steal a lei from another bowler, a spare means you steal a top hat and if you get a gutter ball you steal a sombrero. This way, everyone ends up looking pretty silly. Jono and I had too much fun going to Party City and buying every goofy thing we could think of to make ourselves stand out! Check out all the goofy photos.

This year we were able to collect 102 canned food items for Spend Yourself® Food Pantry, Columbia Baptist Church and Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) and donate money for 330 Thanksgiving meals to Central Union Mission, DC!


Posted on November 19, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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